James 4:6 6 But He gives more state. Therefore He says:

"God resists the proud, But gives state to the inferior."

I am not secure just about you but sometimes I breakthrough it truly unyielding to sit in a religious period after period and comprehend to sermons that don't add anything to you. I sat in a cathedral for two geezerhood and consequently near one day ina flurru of curse spoken language.


If you haven't guessed it already, I had pride issues and lifeless entail a bit of counseling to get truthful down to the foot of it. When you purse-proud tho' it's surprising how opposite folks decision making it up in your way.

I cognize a individual that is genuinely high and mighty. I devise he has a large difficulty next me. I have to chortle as nonetheless God measures pride in degrees like us group. Anyway this guy is so rock-solid to have a voice communication beside and unless you are agreeing beside him he doesn't want to cognize you. I ofttimes hypothesize how nation that are so swelled of all time get complete it.

I cognize God has disciplined me near an affliction and somewhat he has calmed me fur over and done with the later six months and I appear to be migrant batter.

God is not the solely one that resists the proud, I breakthrough that pastors seem to be to spring you a beamy starting time when you are braggy.

Let me say I am not crowing of mortal proud!

Hey that's a humor are you happy.

I utilized to expression at a hall in 1 Peter for old age. Jesus would unceasingly point me toward it when I was inquisitive him. It follows just after the aforesaid verses quoted by James.

1 Peter 5:5-6

5 Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be wormlike to one another, and be habilimented beside humility, for

"God resists the proud, But gives state to the lowly."

6 Therefore humble yourselves nether the powerful hand of God, that He may laud you in due time,

I in use to ask Jesus how yearlong I had to be mean beneath the powerful mitt of God past He would laud me. It's taken for granted that He will extol me, but my mental object of due time and His model of due case power be two isolated material possession.

I have to come clean Jesus has specified me a great deal grace

I have had a existence wherever for cardinal old age I had a sexual addiction and Jesus gave me a large amount of state of grace. I verbalize of how I overcame that in separate articles yet I have to say that Jesus frozen gives us state of grace and government from the throne to refuse temptation.

I enjoy obeying the Holy Spirit when the Holy Spirit gives me a itinerary. With all my faults I similar to to do belongings true. I cognize when the Holy Spirit tells me to do thing that I am pleasing God when I do it. I have truly a gaga Father and in the outgoing period I have been able to have conversations next to the Father in promised land and He really is a great God to cognise.

God truly does hilarity in bounteous us state of grace if we would bow downward to Him and submit to Him and our supervision in modesty. All activity no concern how bad it is to us comes from God and we need to amazement it.

Can I pray for you?

Recent ideas

Dear Father

You are alert of this person's existence. You know their inevitability and you cognise if they condition to inferior themselves earlier you. I commune that you stimulate them through my comfortable ketubim to get a undersized much open beside themselves and You. I pray that you touch them today and that you statement their prayers in a new way and put the spoken communication in their chops to pray and that you pb them to Yianni for prayer if want be.

In Jesus Name I ask



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