The Hindu guess that luck is all grand as it is created by one's outgoing actions (karma) has too to be read near the proclamation in Bhagavad-Gita that the without equal brilliance of leading mind can burning away and in that way pre-empt the impinging of all karma: "As a burning let off turns brushwood to ashes, O Arjuna, so does the let off of awareness smoke to ashes all reactions to stuff activities".
Here is how:
The Brahmavaivarta Purana and spot on opposite narrations conceptualise of the narrative of Savitri, who had married Satyavaan, in spite of this she had acknowledged that, as per astrological predictions, he was preordained to die teenage. Reposing riddled self-assurance in the command of her chastity and warmth which required her to Satyavaan, she recited on a regular basis an incantation (mantra), schooled to her by Anusuya, the mate of the serious sage, Atri.
On Satyavan's alteration on the expected day, Savitri pleaded beside the god of death, Yamaraaja, who she was able to see done her clout of chastity (pativrata shakti), to renew her husband's being.
Yamaraaja far-famed that, as Satyavaan's juncture had come, he could do nil. However, impressed next to her pushiness and devotion, he offered her any some other boon. Savitri on the dot demanded that she be blessed near offspring. Instinctively Yamaraaja granted the boon and was anxious when Savitri spikey out that it was unfeasible for this close to meliorate in the unreality of her husband, to whom unsocial she was conjugated as adult female through her vow of celibacy (patnivratadharma). Yamaraaja, swamped beside emotions of admiration, impotency and respect, fixed up Satyavaan to life, amalgamation the twosome to womb-to-tomb age of connubial elation.
Herein indeed lies the quality between fatalists and those who soil even their destinies through the clout of resolution and intelligence!